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This is it.
Me & My Rants.

You're all kinds of beautiful as you end my day And you sweetly retire as stars chase you away

Go Away~



Best budds. Photobucket

Jessica♥ SOFTOY
Darren bro
Esther meimei
Underoath x3
Alesana x3
Ama MeiMei

September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Waaaa damn tiring day, was damn tired during morning, almost couldn't wake up, but thanks to my folks, my roommate and huss for constantly irritating me chill jkjkjk lolol, i meant for waking me up, if not i would have been late for ut. Well ut was a breeze, finished it in 18 mins or so. Had running nose the whole day, some1 must be missing me ;D. and to add on, had a sucky module today, which is enterprise, how good can the day get. Lmao.

Thank goodness the day ended in a positive note, met up with kw everard clair jolene ruth and gilbert to have dinner at al ameen. Laughters were plentiful as usual, always nice to meet out with them, especially since it has been a while since we last met. hahas. After dinner, went over to IRC to play pool and headed to mac to chill afterwards. Headed home afterwards and reached home about 11. did my rj, play pet society for awhile and bathed. I dont know why ggc isnt working for me, cant dota for tonight hahas, oh well.

Gonna sleep real soon, must go running tomorrow, circuit training! shiong!

Nights ;D

;this ends my day

Monday, November 24, 2008


Firstly, I wanna get a LV coin and key holder OR a LV zippy organiser. help help ;D. And secondly, I wanna get a fred perry flight bag. So any1 wanna start donating to me, help me in my fund raising.hahha. I have pics of what I want to get, tell me what you think.

;this ends my day

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Alright so I'm 18, happy bday to myself and also to asraf, who's 15 ;D and according to KW, I'm laohong-ed, old la sia.

So now I'm 18, pretty much able to do all the stuff, m18 movies, buy liquor, buy cig ( tho i dont smoke), club. HA HA HA. Well actually, It's all but just a figure, haha, so does it really matter that much? Like what izwan say, another bday, another step closer to death, hahas.

Well anyway thanks for all the wished ye? ;D I'm gonna sleep early already, need to get a healthy life haha ;D

peace out mates ;D

;this ends my day

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hi peeps ;D sorry for the lag of update hahas. ;D

Been tired and lazy lately.

Skipped school and woke up at 12, bummed at home till 4.30pm before making my way out to meet kyser to head to YCK stadium for exercising. TIRING WOOOOOO

Nothing much happened on tuesday, so lets go to wednesday.

So for today, I had the most boring and shitty lesson i ever had, and the faci was equally shitty and boring, don't even know anything about being polite. Poor old hag. So after school, headed towards YCK stadium again for exercise with kyser ;D now my legs feel like detaching from my body. tired. UT tomorrow, gotta sleep early haha.

2 more day ;D

;this ends my day

Friday, November 14, 2008

hey yo, sorry for the lag of updates, tired and lazy, hahahaha.

So here I'm, just back home from playing pool with my bro, darren. won him 9 bucks, so happy ;D he he he.

6 more days till I'm 18 yo, anyone wanna go drink on the 21st? ;D hahas, let me know ye?

And will any kind soul get me a Key and change holder from LV? heheehe ;D As a b'day gift, or if you're feeling kind heh heh. ;D

;this ends my day

Monday, October 27, 2008

HOMG THIS SONG IS TEH SEX MAN. go listen to it, niceeee

;this ends my day


alright, here's what happened on sunday, came home in the morning after staying out with kw, ever and jerald. Was at newton foodcourt, had sting ray, chu chu and fried rice. NICEEEEEEEE. Then went over to farrer park to slack. Afterwards went over kw;s house, dip in the pool for awhile and SAUNA and STEAMBATH WOOOOO NICE. Went home afterwards and without slping, went out for soccer at toh guan ;D Hade pool afterwards. Won 9 bucks from darren hehe.

Just woke up, and its 3.28pm. YAWNS. gonna sleep in early today. vigorous training from tml onwards by kyser, to fucking lose weight. he hehe wooots be prepared to see a new me ;D

Alright, tata folks, till later.

;this ends my day